Book an Appointment
09 638 9256
54 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland

Patient name(Required)
Parent name if applicable
MM slash DD slash YYYY

This is a request form only. We will respond via email to your request within 24 hours Monday to Friday with available times.

Are you a new patient or is this a follow-up appointment?(Required)
Please enter your preferred days - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri or Sat. Morning, Afternoon or Evening (after 4pm appointments available Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs)

I prefer to see Pili Munoz - Principal Osteopath

Pili’s schedule is heavily booked. If you are a new patient to the clinic, we recommend selecting one of our other excellent osteopaths for your initial consultation. If you are an existing patient or a new patient and would prefer to be added to Pili's waitlist, please phone the clinic (09) 638 9256.

Cancellation Policy(Required)

If you do not provide 24-hour business day notice prior to your appointment when you change or cancel an appointment, a late cancellation fee of $50 will apply.

Cancellations made on the day of appointment, or patients who do not turn up on the day of appointment, a fee equal to the scheduled service fee will apply.

If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please email, or call the office during business hours, or reply N to the reminder text at least 24-hour business days’ notice prior to the appointment time. For example, if your appointment is 3:00 pm Tuesday, notify us prior to 3:00 pm the Monday prior to your appointment.

For Stillpoint Osteopaths, a business day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday in Auckland.

更改或取消,最迟在预约前24小时通知诊所,否则将收取50纽币的延迟取消的费用。在预约当天取消预约或未在预约当天出现的患者,将收取全额诊疗费用。如果您需要取消或更改您的预约,请在工作时间内通过电子邮件或电话与办公室联系,或在预约时间至少提前24小时工作日前回复“N”以确认。例如,如果您的预约时间是星期二下午3:00,您需要在前一个星期一的下午3:00之前通知我们。对于Stillpoint Osteopaths来说,非工作日是指星期六、星期日或公共假日的一天。