What is TMD?
TMD is a shortened term for Temperomandibular Joint Disorder.
Your lower jaw is formed by a bone called your mandible. This bone forms a joint with your skull one on both sides called your temporomandibular joints (TMJ). They are found just in front of your ears. These joints allow you to open and close your mouth.
Dysfunction and/or misalignment of the TMJ can lead to discomfort, and may cause symptoms such as jaw pain, difficulty chewing, clicking/locking of the jaw, aching facial or ear pain.
When you develop jaw pain sometimes it is referred to as temporomandibular disorder (TMD)
Read on to discover how Stillpoint osteopaths and our team of health professionals work collaboratively to get to the cause of your pain and achieve the best results for you.
Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
Stillpoint Osteopaths take a thorough history and perform an examination to fully understand what factors could be potentially causing your jaw pain such as:
Injuries to the face such us as hits to the head and face region.
Grinding teeth and clenching your jaw which can be because of stress and or issues with the alignment of your teeth.
Suboptimal posture of the head and neck region. Habits such as chewing nails.
Post dental work such as wisdom teeth extractions or dental injury from knocks/trauma. Dental appliances.
Some arthritic conditions can impact this joint. Rheumatoid arthritis.
Genetics impacting the size, shape and position of the jaw.
Connective tissue disorders such as EDS some of which can cause hypermobility and instability of the jaw joints.
Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
Stillpoint osteopaths and our Functional Movement Coach may be able to help relieve your TMD symptoms such as:
- Pain on the side of your face, which can extend up the side of you head to temple region or down your neck.
- Tension and or pain in the muscles of the jaw, shoulder and neck region.
- Headaches and or migraines.
- Stiffness in the jaw, difficulty opening and closing your jaw and or locking of the jaw. Painful chewing.
- Clicking, cracking and grinding noises at the jaw joints.
- Tooth pain or sensitivity can be associated.
- Earaches in odd occasions dizziness and vertigo.
- Tinnitus: ringing in the ear