Advice from our osteopaths

Welcome to our advice blog, these articles are written by your osteopaths here at Stillpoint Osteopaths to show where cranial osteopathic treatment can help, as well as educate on general health.

Headaches and Osteopathic Approach

Can osteopaths evaluate my headaches? Yes is the short answer ,and if the headache picture is of concern or requires more extensive investigations, they also know when to refer you on. Osteopaths are Primary Health care practitioners who have been educated in the assessment of headaches. They have the skill

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Reflux in Infants

Does my baby have infantile reflux? What is making my baby irritable not feed properly or have sleep difficulties? As a parent you speak to other parents of new-borns, your parents, friends and everyone has a diagnosis and an opinion to what is causing what in your baby. Babies cannot

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Stillpoint Osteopaths have the skills that allow us to safely assess and manage babies, toddlers and children through their developmental years. What might show you that your baby could do with an osteopathic consultation: 1. Can your baby turn their head both ways well? We often have parents bringing in

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Birth Issues and Osteopathy

The delivery of our babies is often a memorable time. The birthing process itself is filled with many challenges to navigate and sometimes the process is amazing and sometimes it doesn’t quite go to plan for either mum or baby. Osteopaths can gently assess both baby and mum to check

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Breastfeeding and Osteopathy

Breastfeeding has many benefits for your developing baby that many systems have been put in place to help support mothers who want to breastfeed, to have a positive experience. However, when things don’t quite go to plan there can be a significant emotional toll on mum and family, physical discomfort

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Getting your schoolkids back on track

1st term of the school year is almost at an end. Some children have started school for the first time. They are young and tired and possibly still quite overwhelmed by the new routines. As parents, we pick up the signs of stress in our children. They might be crawling

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Stillpoint osteopaths often have patients looking for assistance in managing post traumatic stress disorder while working with other health professionals. This condition usually occurs as a result of being unable to recover from experiencing or witnessing a significantly stressful, traumatic or shocking event. When we go through such an experience

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Breathing Mechanics

When we have issues such as anxiety and heightened fears this can impact how we breathe. Osteopaths have been trained to assess how you breath. Your ribs, the spine, the muscles in your neck, your diaphragm and even your pelvic floor are all involved in breathing! Good news – osteopaths

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Stillpoint Supports Gumboot Friday

Mike King won the 2019 Kiwi bank New Zealander of the Year and is using the platform to promote Gumboot Friday and his charity “I am Hope” which will facilitate free and timely mental health support for Kiwi kids. The first Gumboot Friday will happen on April 5th, 2019. Kiwi

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Nutrition and Emotional Wellbeing

What we feed our body is very important. It is the fuel that gives us the get up and go to work through the day. So how our stomach and intestines function then impacts what we absorb from our food and this impacts how our nervous system works and guess

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Children’s Emotional Health

At Stillpoint we feel privileged to be entrusted with the health care of your children. Osteopathy helps correct their body mechanics to allow them to grow with less stresses and strains. Can osteopathy also help their developing emotional wellbeing? Children can experience stressful situations, changing schools, being bullied, being dropped

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