Getting Your School Kids Back on Track

1st term of the school year is almost at an end. Some children have started school for the first time. They are young and tired and possibly still quite overwhelmed by the new routines. As parents, we pick up the signs of stress in our children. They might be crawling into our bed more. Taking an hour to fall asleep rather than 10 minutes, which adds to their overall build-up of tiredness. They come home and small things create massive outbursts – while at school they are angels!

It may be that they need some help to get their body back on track. Checking the mechanics of their spine, improving movement and resolving built up strains and tensions has the potential to help balance their mood and allow them to settle more quickly, and in turn they can sleep better and adjust to the extra requirements of school life.

Other children are well adapted to the routine of school. However, they may still have significant pressures to accommodate; testing, exams, and peer difficulties. School life can be harsh for some and it may take an emotional and physical toll.

If your child has hit the end of first term and is not quite firing on all cylinders, it might be the time now to call and organise an osteopathic appointment to have them assessed. Stillpoint Osteopaths are well trained at working with children and look forward to caring for your family.

We meet your individual and family health needs: physically, emotionally and spiritually, developing a genuine connection that you can trust.